Sunday, May 27, 2007

So nerdy

Like Mother, like Daughter.

Yum... Vegan Cheetos!

I'm so addicted. It doesn't take much to get me excited about food, but these are really awesome. I can eat the whole bag in prolly ten minutes. Maybe it's a good thing that the health food store by our house doesn't carry them. We have to go about fifteen minutes away to find these Tings. Last time we got two bags of them and they were both gone in less than 24 hours. Hmmm, maybe we'll have to make a special trip today to pick some up for our potluck party tomorrow. I guess I'm not shy about letting people know that it's my birthday. Hope it's not too busy at the park 'cause it's also Memorial day. Ahh, mems. We'll be making more mems with our families and maybe lots of bags of Tings.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Botanical garden fun

We went to a couple of gardens two days in a row, last week. It's going to be too hot to go anywhere like this after the next couple of weeks, so we have to soak in as much leisurely outdoor time as we can.
A.J. has just started clapping her hands, and it's so much fun that we are constantly trying to get her excited about anything, just so we can see her do it.
It was a super, windy day.
Paranoid Mommas like me have to keep the kid in the shade, even though I know darn well that she's covered in sunscreen. Will I always be this crazy?