Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It starts out pretty typical.

Just your everyday cute baby learning to use his little sniffer.

I gave my love a rose.

I totally forgot that I took these photos, yesterday, after a walk with the kids. Then I thought to look at them right before bed- big mistake. Shawn and I were rolling around, laughing so hard. It was a little hard to settle down and fall asleep.

He won't stop!

It almost looks like he's screaming, but he's actually pretty happy at this moment. What a funny kid.

It just keeps getting better.

Every time I say "smell" or "nose" he goes right back into this face.

I saved the best for last.

I cannot stop laughing with tears, when I look at this one! His new top teeth make this face even crazier.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Everybody loves the sunshine.

Taking a quick stroll around the block before naptime. I am pretty convinced that I have the two cutest kids there ever was. Sun shining on their round, smiling cheeks is one of the best things in life. Still loving springtime!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What's in there?

. . .

A bird with an injured wing.

We found it in our front yard and are trying to feed and care for it until we find somewhere safe to let it go. It's taking a nap with its head tucked back in its wings.

Hats off to my cute boy.

He actually keeps his hats on pretty good and likes to say "hat". I think he knows he looks like Daddy with it on. That's mah boy!


Pasta time! What a good eater.

Wagon riding.

Taking a stroll with Grama Jo. I'm really loving our new 2-seater wagon. The kids are crazy about it, too. The best part is that they are so well-behaved when we take them for a walk in it. Peace and quiet... awesome.